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Know Your Car Rental Provider


Know Your Car Rental Provider

Explore options

Do not focus on just one in choosing a car rental in Manila. There are a lot of providers out there that have better options than the others. Explore your options and make a list of possible provider. By doing that you are having a larger view as compared to focusing on the first offering that you get.


Call for details

The company’s website contains significant information that you are looking for but don’t settle on it. Instead, it is better if you will give time to pick up the phone, talk to them, and know more about different offerings. People assigned to answer inquiries understand their services more than what are on the website.

Possibility of hidden charges

Some prices given do not include additional charges to make it look more affordable. Ask your provider directly to avoid any miscommunication and hidden charges. It is better to be ready for any additional cost you will be paying before anything else than getting surprised at the actual moment.


Car rental providers often suggest their client to avail insurances that they dubbed as an important factor before anything else. It is essential to ensure safety but it will just be an additional cost of your insurance covers it already. A good way to avoid this is to check it with your insurer before paying unnecessary fees.

Anis Transport gives high consideration in giving clients value-for-money in every transaction. This is assured through excellent car units and flexible offering perfect for each client’s specific needs. For car and van rental in Manila needs, contact Anis Transport for more details.